Sunday, January 09, 2005

Avalanche In California?

"What?" I looked up at the screen. I'm currently finding things to donate to the victims of the tsunami.

When I think of Cali, I think of Mega waves and guys running around topless. Okay not so much topless guys, but the beautiful Ocean, Sunny skies and people walking around with uber cups of Starbucks coffee with the effort to look somewhat intellectual, comes to mind.

I keep informed whenever I turn the channel. "AVALANCH?" I screamed at the Tele. "How the hell did that happen?". I've always been jealous of the beautiful Californians with their sunny tans ( some from a bottle and some over done ), but today I felt no jealousy, just sorry. Sorry that this had to occur. It goes to show you that no matter how much we try to prevent, we can't prevent mother nature. Mother nature gives and takes when she feels that it's time, “I know we haven‘t forgotten the Earth Quakes in California over the decades. Look what she did in South Asia. Which brings me to this, Over 150,000 killed by mother nature with one incident, and as I rush through the house trying to find gently used clothes, can goods and pretty much everything I could get my hands on to send in desperation to help, I think "What's next?".

I live on a land that under water, looks like Swiss Cheese ( Wisconsin Swiss Cheese ), so I think. I get people saying "an earthquake will never hit NYC", Oh Tushay, I think it can. We are an accident waiting to happen, and like we have seen in past couple of weeks, we are not special in any way. Mother nature could have us collapse with in one swipe of her wrath. I shake that thought and focus on the present and the future of the survivors of this terrible tragedy. I don't expect everyone to help out, but I would like to think you would be human enough to feel compassion.. For all who want to help out here is a link American Red Cross
Habitat For Humanity


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