Monday, December 06, 2004

"Tourettes" or just a "Dirty Mouth" (Ramble)


You ever wonder about that? I mean, two people living their own lives. One (person A) was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, the other is just a regular jane/joe working for "The Man". When Person "A" starts cursing out of the blue, everyone just writes it off as a tic.. They say " Oh what a shame for person 'A'. That is a terrible syndrome to have, we all need to help he/she with this horrible ordeal."

On the other side we have the regular jane/joe. Their kids are royal pains in the ass,they're over worked and underpaid. Dammit, they need a vacation. . All some of them want is an honest thanks or "good job". Instead, the boss lets them know that one more slip up and they'll be replaced. So the regular jane/joe sits in their little cubicle cluttered with paperwork. They click on the computer only to see the infamous 'error' blue screen that only comes when messing with WINDOWS. They've had it, nothing is going right. This is the boiling point and there is no return. The regular jane/joe shots out of their seat, hops on the table and starts beating the living shit out of the computer, all the while saying "Shitfuckdammitpisspisspissfuckshitasswhipecocksuckerbitchfuckhole".

Of course, there is no-one in plain sight who thinks you have tourettes. They're not seeing the fustration, and they can give two bits a shit about helping. They all watch in terror as the computer is being beaten into submission. All they can say is "My god! he/she has a Dirty Mouth, he/she should get fired"

Damn you all...


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