Saturday, November 20, 2004

Masturbation Vs. Procrastination

Masturbation: Excitation of one's own or another's genital organs, usually to orgasm, by manual contact or means other than sexual intercourse.

To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.

I’ve been fighting with myself whether to write this or not. It’s not like women wear a sign on their head saying that they Masturbate. Sometimes we even go as far as saying that we’ve never done the “M” word.

I’ve always been a sexual person. I would take a lover and after a month of getting past the “getting to know you stage”, we would spend the rest of the relationship getting to know each others wildest and most deepest sexual secrets. It’s bliss, it’s factual, it was poison but the kind of poison that left you wanting more. A good lover would have me thinking of them for days on end without eating or sleeping. “HE” was like a drug. I would sit in my car and think of all the sexual things we would do. Sexual not just meaning physically, but mentally as well. He played with my mind, leaving me little messages on my phone. I found myself in traffic one evening. He left a message on my cell. While listening to his voice, my hand reached into my skirt. As I had realized what I was doing, I pulled my hand away saying to myself. “what are you doing? There’s no need for that”.

He was at home waiting for me to come bursting through the door. I was addicted to him, his smell, his smile, his laugh and the way he strummed his acoustic guitar. He was my food. When he came to me, he made me full, and when he left. He made me starve. Like in all relationships, painful but true. You are left either wanting more or having enough of that one flavor. I was left wanting that flavor.

I sought out others like him through out the years. Wanting to have that same feeling again. In between that time I became familiar with myself. Allowing myself to come to climaxes with the flick of a finger. It was enjoyable, it was safe. One night, I decided to meet with a few friends. As the night progressed, the conversation turned to sex. The topic of Masturbation was in full force. As I talked about how it felt and how most of the time, it just isn’t the same as having a man. One voice interjected. She went on about how it’s a sin to touch yourself. She made a fowl remark, “ If you masturbate, your hand should fall off”. Whoa! What a crazy woman. I turned to her and said that I’ve been doing this for years and my hands seems great. No signs of deterioration at all ( I waved my hand back and forth in front of her to let her see that it was A okay).

Driving home, I kept on thinking about what she had said. Could it really be a sin? I remember when parents told their kids things like that because they just didn’t want them to “spank the monkey” or “twiddle the fiddle”. She felt so strong about what she was saying. It took me a while to shake off her remark. I finally ruled her as a Procrastinator. What does she do when she can’t get any? Read? Come on.

So it’s been a couple of years since I’ve had a real lover. You know the ones where you feel comfortable calling them you’re other half, soul mate, boyfriend?. After my last one, I told myself that I would wait until I found the right guy. No jumping to sex. My reason. It became less fun and more of a chore. He was enjoying himself and I was left in the dark. I mean, where was the mental love making. Where was the quirky conversations between songs? I needed time away from the “ Lets keep the relationship alive with just sex”. So, I’ve had a full time relationship with Mr. Masturbation for the past two years and even though it’s not as satisfying as my old lover from way back when, it gets the job done.

Throughout the years, I’ve met many others who’ve shared their views on masturbation. I’ve also debated with the procrastinators who’ve said they don’t do such things, but get them behind closed doors and you will find a different person within those four walls. Hmm

The last lover I had, loved to watch as I masturbated. I guess some if not all guys love to see when a woman does it. He got excited as I climaxed. When I has asked him to do the same, he became nervous and said that he couldn’t. Why was that? I wanted to see him do it. It would have gotten me excited but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. I guess it dates back to the times when parents told their kids that if they do such things, their penis would fall off. Huh.

In the end. Whether you speak of Masturbation freely, or try to convince others that it’s wrong. The truth is that everyone does it. Whether they choose to admit it, or not.


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