Friday, November 19, 2004

Starland Ballroom 8.24.04 #3

The Starland Ballroom
Sayreville, NJ
Tue August 24th 2004

So, who performed at the Starland Ballroom? Hmm, let’s see. Gavin Degraw, Toby Lightman and Marc Broussard. First off, how I came to actually be at the concert was that my sister called not long after the VH1 inside track and told me that she had purchased tickets over the net for us. I was happy and glee.. Sigh.. So I hopped on the train and headed to her house in Brooklyn. Not long after I had arrived, Steven and his wife came driving up and were ready to go. None of us had any idea where the hell Sayreville was. So we got lost on the way . Twice. One time, we had actually drove right by it. So we got there and headed to the back of the line. At this time, Joey and Gavin Degraw had stepped out of their tour bus. They decided to warm up for the show by throwing the football. I saw my opportunity to scream out Joeys name. I caught his attention and he waved and smiled and then went back to throwing the ball. So , Steven, Emily, Adwina and I started talking among ourselves until the line started to move.

There was no open bar here. The prices for drinks were high, but you could smoke indoors, which I thought was a big plus. The show started with me at the bar drinking a red bull. Who was this guy? I kept on saying to myself.. Marc Broussard had a burst of energy and a flare like Jason Mraz. What sound came out of his mouth, was a different story.. It was like a BIG BOOM. His voice was as if the greats of past blues singers had came back to life and had stepped into him. He was amazing. He had took my heart away with his voice. I fell in love with the man with a voice. As he stood on stage with his guitar strumming away, I was taken aback by his presence. He became one with the mic. As all the girls swayed to his raspy and soothing voice, I scattered myself all over the room trying to get pictures from every angle. He wasn’t the only one who caught my eye. For the past year, I have decided to pick up a guitar and learn everything that I can to accompany my music. I figured if I know how to play this beautiful instrument, I can one day pick up a Bass and strum to my hearts desire.

I looked to Marcs left and saw him. He looked like an angel strumming away on his Bass. His name was Calvin. Oh my Calvin, how do you keep up your momentum. With every strum of his Bass, he had hit a chord with me. For five minutes I stood there looking at his fingers, trying to process what chords and notes were being played. He was hotness with a Bass in toe. I looked over to my sister who I don’t think was really feeling the music. Ah well, you can’t make everyone a fan. YOU KNOW..SHIIIIT.

As Marc exited the stage. I found myself wanting more.. I was hooked within one set. There were two girls who were standing in front of us in the line before we had came in to the ballroom. These two girls became my drunken angels. One of them came up to me and said that Marc was by the merchandise area. I turned to look at her and the first thing that came out of my mouth was.. “Take me to him”. When I walked up to him, I looked him up and down and asked him. “Where the heck did that voice come from?” . He looked at me and smiled so bright that if there were any clouds in my life, it was lifted with his smile. We talked for a minute before a swarm of people came over to him. At this point I took the opportunity to ask if he wouldn’t mind taking a photo with me.. “Sure darling” he said with his deep southern accent. I was captivated by his smile, his voice and his smell ( he was smelling oh so gorgeous).

So, It was Toby’s turn to rip up the stage. She had one the cutest outfit and an awesome hat that I wanted to take from her. LOL. It was as if she was hiding underneath it. She strummed her guitar and sang out loud. You could tell that at some point, It was just her in an empty room. Though she was nervous, she pulled off a great show and I have to admit to envying her touring with Gavin and Marc. What else could make me envy her more? Hmm lets see.. That would be Gavin, John Mayer, Marc Broussard, DMB, Dashboard Confessional, Jason Mraz and Ben Harper. All in all, she owned the stage with her presence and sweet voice. I give her mucho props to her for singing the hell out of the Mary J. Blige song “ Real Love”. Go girl.

So, the moment that most if not all the folks in the room have been waiting for.. It was Gavin time. They turned out all the lights so Gavin and his crew can make their way to the stage. The crowd went wild, when the spotlight turned to show Gavin’s face. What presence he had. He sat down by his Piano and when he started to play, he realized that no sound was coming from it. So, he winged it. I snapped away with my camera as he pleased the crowd with his show stopping moves. He did one of my favorite Gavin songs “ Few drinks to fall in love”. No, it’s not on his CD, but I thought it should have been.. I’ve been there before a hundred times where I’m in a bar drinking and smoking way too much, when some dude from out of left field decides to prey on me. All I want to do is ask them to move away, but they’re pretty much the only one around. In fear of being alone drinking, I order up a round hoping the drink my troubles away with this guy looking at me as if the opportunity came up to go to Vegas and get married, he would’ve rented and jet plane right then and there.

So, Gavin stood up and asked the audience to quiet down for a bit so he could sing a cappella. Whoa!!! He sang Sam Cooke’s “ A change is gonna come”. You know that no one can sing that song like Sam Cooke, but Gavin hooked it up so well that even the old skoolers would have been proud. Naturally, when the concert ended, I headed out the side door.. There was no way that I was going to get involved with all those screaming girls with their hot pink belly shirts.. Ewww… Hey, I already know I’m a woman, I don’t have to wear pink every fucking time to get the opposite sex to notice me. I have big boobs for that one. LOL.. Anyway..

It was late when I arrived home. As I looked through my photos to recap the nights events, I looked at the photo of Marc and I. What a face, what a talent. I got excited just thinking about how it would be when I finally get my music up and running.. Hopefully I can perform with him.

Oh, about the photo of Marc and I. It was my desktop photo for almost two months.


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