Friday, October 08, 2004

I'm Ranting DAMMIT!!!!!!

Ok, I will act as if I don't notice the lack of update from Blogger.. One of the known issues is this..."Profiles are not updating properly with new posts. We are working on getting this fixed". When It first happened I was like, Okay it's cool.. But it seems that I've been updating this blog since september 24th and nothing,ziltch.. It's October 8th, Two weeks since my profile was actually updated. I'm seeing all these other blogs being updated and mine and some poor sap in some other state are just pissed because it just seems that we are the only people it's affecting..

At first I thought maybe I wasn't publishing enough, But after publishing my ENTIRE Blog (which seemed in itself to be annoying due to the fact that it sometimes times out) a Bagillion times. Nothing... THis sucks. You really can't tell I've updating my blog unless you are possessed to read past my profile.. Hopefully this issue will be fixed before the end of this month.. I mean gawd dammit man.. I see all these other blogs being updated... Fix this fucking shit already....


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