Saturday, September 18, 2004

It's cold as hell outside

Yesterday it was 80 something degrees out, or was it like 70? Huh!! But today it's more like 60 something out or could it be more like in the 50s? Well, all I know is that it's cold out.. Not quite cold for a jacket but good enough for a sweater.. So it will be about ten months of blistering cheeks & bubble jackets. Yes ten glorious months of breaking out the winter clothes & hollering at the cuties.. Yes another winter is coming.. Snow flakes & cuties.. Did I mention cuties?

There is something about the winter that gets my blood flowing.. Sex is on my brain constantly. I sit on the train & it's like a meat market between 125 st and chambers.. Most of them come on at 59th street & get off on west 4th... If I didn't have to visit my best friend in brooklyn, I would be high tailing my ass off the train right behind them.. Cuties.. They come in all shapes & sizes... Dark,Blondes,Redheads,brunettes.. All cuties.. Black, white, asian,hispanics,alien.. Hey, If you're hot you're hot.. I have no one keeping me down so i'm free to let my eyes & my mind wonder.. Sometimes my eyes wonder over to a guy & we strike up a conversation, there is flirting & I laugh at the funny jokes he's cracking. But what's going through my mind is how badly I just want to jump his bones.. Maybe it's the way his sweater fits & how rugged his jeans are tied in with those lovely tanned coloured Diesel Spencers he's wearing.. He's rambling on & on but all I can think about is how good he smells.. I should have asked him what it was but I didn't.. *Looser*..

I love to be in love.. Well it's more like being infatuated.. I haven't actually been in a relationship long enough to feel the "In-Love" feeling.. At this point If I see a guy with a guitar in toe, I'm going right after him.. Not because he has the guitar; it will be because I know he has some form of artistic talent.. What am I saying? I've always been captivated by a guy who does some form of art.. Music is just my weakness. Like a guitar, it's hard to resist strumming the strings every now and then.. In my case I strum the strings at every chance I get.. I would love to wake up to a guy strumming away on his guitar. While he's doing that, I'd come over to him, sit next to him & strum away on mine. Beautiful music with & without the guitar..


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