Saturday, September 11, 2004


So was the Tony Danza show any good? I wouldn't know.. We ended up standing in line out in the sun for what seemed like hours.. Come to think of it, it was 2 flipping hours.. Damn Fucktards.. So I went home and caught up on some sleep.. mmm Sleeeeeeeep..

So now I'm up.. September 11th 2004.. I feel like going to the village today and see if I can catch a glimpse of the hot guys.. I donno.. Maybe hang with the nephew.. In all honesty, I think I'll just stay home and worry about my family back in Jamaica.. ^~^.. It's hard not knowing what's going on. To think it will also hit Florida is pissing me off by the minute. I have friends and family there too.. God, when will it end? Hopefully everyone will be safe.. Hopefully I will update this with some good news throughout the day..


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