Saturday, September 18, 2004

Florida Left me WIth good memories

With all that's been going on in Florida, storms after storms has been terrorizing the poor tourist resort. For two years of my life I've spent living it up in the sun. The sun in my face & Miami at night.. It was beautiful.. I lived on a golf course in a great community in Boca Raton.. I didn't have a great job.. The job sucked so bad that I almost lost my mind every other day.. I was about the happiest person when they fired me... Thanks in part to a manager out for revenge.. Hey if it wasn't for him firing me in the first place, I wouldn't have been happy happy happy moving back to NYC..

I remember being with friends cruising down I-95 looking for somewhere to go.. It was so surreal, to wake up in a place where the summer was an all around thing.. Needless to say, I didn't really take advantage of my being in Florida.. I because a prisoner in my mind.. I ate a lot around that time & Gained weight.. It didn't stop there.. I got into a relationship with a guys 4 years younger than I was .. It was doomed from the start he & I, we didn't compliment each other at all.. We were together for a year before our relationship came to a dramatic end. I keep thinking that maybe later down the line, Some years from now we would get back together.. But the more I see all these gorgeous guys here.. That plan became more of a faint dream. We are growing to be friends now.. He has since moved on & is now living a life with a great girl.. A week a couple of weeks ago I was so worried.. I tried calling everyone I knew in florida, Even him. When I got no answer from any of them .. I took my calls to the Internet. I must have sent out 20 something emails.. Days went by & I heard nothing.. Until.. He replied.. They had lost power for 3 days.. Within one month they were hit with storms after storms .. My friend christina lost her back porch... Not cool..

For the two years I spent in Florida, I never witnessed a hurricane. Now that I am not there, It decides to slap the shit out of that poor state.. When a friend said to me.. "maybe the storms were just waiting for you to leave". I couldn't help but laugh and say to myself.. "You know, you're right"... Maybe I left just in time.. Maybe I wouldn't have handled it as well as others.. Maybe...

So now, I'm back in the Big Apple & I'm back to my old self.. Standing out in a crowd of people who all seems to stand out in their own way..

So now I'll leave you with with a pick of my lovely backyard /Golf course


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