Friday, December 31, 2004

When big kids drink

This is Me and Em... We were joined by Jimmy aka Fingers, who took this wonderful pic of two sisters gone mad.. According to Jimmy, we were very entertaining.. What do you expect? We drank two bottles of wine and some beers.. We were heading to the movies at 1am to see BLADE TRINITY. We had to kill time before the movie started, so we headed across the street to the Park. A couple of rounds on the slide, some swing action and the imfamous hippo straddle... Yeah... We needed help, but no one seemed to offered.. It took me a while to notice that I was freezing my ass off.. I had honestly thought that I was giving the camera 'the finger', but it was so cold that the index finger went up in error.. I love NYC!!!

Drink Be Merry and don't blame the innocent for your dunken suaveness...

~~~~Honestly, this animal was not harmed during straddling~~~~

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Drunk night, Drunk Post dammit!!!

So, I set off at around 9 pm tonight, well lastnight to hook up with my sister and do some serious Kareoke... Afte one drink, my sister puts my name on a piece of paper.. I was up next.. I mean, I didn't even have enough liqour in me to sing a song.. My heart was beating fast and all i can think of was the last time I performed.. It was in high school.. which I might add, has been about 10 years ago. I got up and sang Green Day... Does it really matter which song? okay, It was 'Good Riddance'..Oy!! First off.. I wasn't drunk enough to do it, but I ended up finishing the song all weak in the knees Like.. After about three rum and cokes, I was warmed up and ret' to go.. I was singing songs and doing back up vocals, I even lent my dance moves and did some back up dancing for my sis and my new friend "Feminem" aka Kimmy.. Wow.. I'm wasted.. I think I need to puke.. But before I bow down to the porceline gawd who seems to catch me when I'm falling ever so often.. I will finish this by saying.. TUESDAY NIGHTS @ DILLONS LOUNGE 8pm-9pm ( I think ) it's improv, and then from 10pm til' 2:30 am.. It's KAREOKE all the WAY BABY!!!!! Anyone should come out and wet their lips with booze and hit the mic big time.. I mean, horse shit around for hours on end.. welllll, thats about it.. For more drunk night news, Stay tuned..

DRUNK BLOGGING NEWS, You hear it ........ LAST....

ERRRRMMM, I'm the one attempting to lick my big sis... Pish tosh...

Monday, December 13, 2004

Following Through II

In a sea of talented voices.. Will mine stand out?

I’ve asked myself this a million times before.. Life has it’s uncertainties. Not knowing what to expect from one moment to the next can be nerve racking.. In the end, when everything is said and done. You tell yourself that the uncertainties of it all, has been the best part. You wouldn’t change one thing about the past. That is only if you’ve come to the point in your life where you are pleased with where and who you are..

Sometimes, we get the urge to google a name. On this day, I’ve Googled and Yahoo-ed my fathers name… I typed in Clancy Eccles.. Sites after sites popped up. I guess I was checking to see if the world had forgotten him. Alas, they didn’t. It’s funny how the internet can provide you with so much information. Even on your own family. Reading up on him had almost urged me to pickup the phone and tell him all the new things I’ve read. I really did want to call him, but not to say that. I wanted to tell him how much I wanted to be like him in his days of glory. How I wanted him to shed light on this whole music thing. I wanted him to tell me that it was okay for me to follow in his footsteps. But in the end, I just couldn’t. We no longer speak.

As a child, my father was the one I wanted so much to be.. I adored his voice, his charisma for life, and his glowing burst of energy. Most of all, I was proud to be known as his daughter. He was the kind of man who would take in a child who was not so fortunate, clothed him and paid his way through private school in Jamaica. On certain weekends, I could be found laying out an a couch in a music studio high in the mountains. I would look at my father, headphones holding his dreads back while he sings, scats and dances to the rhythm. I was in awe of him. He was like a rock that only moved when it felt like doing so. He’s a pioneer of Ska/Reggae music. I wanted to be like him, but without the reggae part.. It wasn’t for me.

2004 has opened my eyes wider than ever before.. Yes, I was previously inspired by my father, but this year.. WOW.. I found myself at concerts after concerts, watching and hoping that the next time I’m at that venue, it would be me making an appearance. I mean, could I be received by the majority? Do I actually want to?. My music is from my heart and maybe, just maybe the next person listening might not get what I’m saying. I’ve come across various message boards where the most common thing you see is each person trying to out theorize the next with what they think the song actually means. It’s funny and often cool when you read all these different theories. I sit back and say to myself that even though they’ve made this one song, thousands of people get it, but in their own way, as to make it their own.

With 2004 almost a recent memory. I’ve been both shocked and inspired of all that I’ve seen and heard. My father, has giving me something that will either keep me still or shoot me into the musical unknown. He has given me some of his charisma for life, and the education in knowing that even though life has many uncertainties, being absolutely certain of anything would be stupid.

Who have inspired me in 04

(1) Raúl Midón
(2) Damien Rice
(3) Joss Stone
(4) Gavin Degraw
(5) Jupiter One
(6) Tristan Prettyman
(7) Jamie Cullum
(8) Marc Broussard

Who has inspired me over the years

(1) Dave Matthews band - Has been inspiring me since 1995 or was in ‘94?

Dashboard Confessional
Gladys Knight
Howie Day
Jason Mraz
Pearl Jam
Blues Traveler
Counting Crows
Ray Charles
Pete Rock & CL Smooth
Beastie Boys
Janis Joplin
Eric Clapton
Billy Joel
Elton John
Death Cab for Cutie
Ben Harper
Bon Jovi
Ben Folds
BoB Marley
Jimmy Hendrix
John Mayer
B.B King
Miles Davis
Bushwalla ( thanks to Mr. Mraz for this one)
The Cure
Duran Duran
Ben Jelen
Johnny Cash
Willie Nelson
Match box twenty

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Maroon 5 performance On Last Call w/ Carson Daly

Okay, I'm pretty much stoked about the Maroon5 performance on the Carson Daly show tonight.. I will be attending the taping of the "New Years Eve with Carson Daly (MAROON 5 Performance)". Yeah, I'll be in a see of drooling girls who would give their right tit to be with Adam,Jesse,James,Mickey & Ryan. I have to admit that I myself, would give a body part to have a piece of jesse.. Wow!! I'm already seeing red. ***Drool*** mmmm, Jesse... Doh!!

Unfortunately, I won't be able to take any photos of the show because that would just be too easy. I guess they don't want anything leaking out before the EvE of the New Year. **Sigh** I have to respect that.

Monday, December 06, 2004

"Tourettes" or just a "Dirty Mouth" (Ramble)


You ever wonder about that? I mean, two people living their own lives. One (person A) was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome, the other is just a regular jane/joe working for "The Man". When Person "A" starts cursing out of the blue, everyone just writes it off as a tic.. They say " Oh what a shame for person 'A'. That is a terrible syndrome to have, we all need to help he/she with this horrible ordeal."

On the other side we have the regular jane/joe. Their kids are royal pains in the ass,they're over worked and underpaid. Dammit, they need a vacation. . All some of them want is an honest thanks or "good job". Instead, the boss lets them know that one more slip up and they'll be replaced. So the regular jane/joe sits in their little cubicle cluttered with paperwork. They click on the computer only to see the infamous 'error' blue screen that only comes when messing with WINDOWS. They've had it, nothing is going right. This is the boiling point and there is no return. The regular jane/joe shots out of their seat, hops on the table and starts beating the living shit out of the computer, all the while saying "Shitfuckdammitpisspisspissfuckshitasswhipecocksuckerbitchfuckhole".

Of course, there is no-one in plain sight who thinks you have tourettes. They're not seeing the fustration, and they can give two bits a shit about helping. They all watch in terror as the computer is being beaten into submission. All they can say is "My god! he/she has a Dirty Mouth, he/she should get fired"

Damn you all...

The Guy who sits next to me on the "D" train

He's "HAWT(ness)" with a book in his hand. I only see him on Modays when I make my transfer from the "N" to the "D" train at Pacific Street.. This morning, he kept looking at me as though he wanted to speak. Awww, could he have been as nervous as I was?

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Jupiter One

This past year has been an amazing one. I've seen so many bands perform, and I have to say that everyone of them had something great to offer. In November I came across a band that goes by the name of Jupiter One! To me, I call them JUPITER UNO! They are amazing in every sense of the word. These guys had me rockin' and nodding my head to every beat and every song. If you're ever in the NYC area, it's a definate must to see them perform. These guys originate from BROOKLYN, and they have some great energy that will rub off on the 'Lamest' person.

I had originally set out to support another performer that night. I had no clue who Jupiter One was, but by the end of the night, I couldn't stop singing the songs in my head. I became an instant fan that night. Before they enter the stage, I had asked Zac (Guitarist) if it was okay if I took some photos of the bands performance. He gave me the gohead and I snapped pictures after pictures while they rocked our asses off. It was a great night and a great set. Any and everyone needs some JUPITER ONE ! period!!! Nuff said!
WWW Farrah Phoenix