Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Wasted Moments like these

Another day came to an end. At some point it slipped my mind that it was Labor Day. For the weekend I did nothing but count the hairs on my head. I wanted to do something but what? Here I was, the four day weekend and I couldn't think of anything to do.. I did however dress myself up and went out for drinks with my best friend abby. There is something about being single that makes you momentarily panic. Your words change from "we" to "I". Things that you once shared with the significant other becomes, "blank and I used to do this".

Oh the single life.. I haven't caught on to it still. I keep hearing that I'll have the best time of my life. I'm still waiting for it to happen. HAHAHA.. At this point in my life I am trying desperately to master the guitar so I can put the music that has been playing in my head down on paper for once. Seeing all these talented musicians perform pushes me to also put myself out there. There will only be two kinds of reactions. Either they'll receive me or they'll not. We'll see.

I just thought about it. I'm in a relationship with my Guitar. Doh!! I guess I'm not single after all.


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