Thursday, September 09, 2004

Rainy Days & Sunny Thoughts

I was looking through some pics I took a while back.. I came across some of my nephew.. One in particular stood out. He was standing by the bathroom with one of those distant looks in his eyes, or could it be that he was just trying to look as GQ as possible?. We grew up together. He was born when I was 11 so you can say he's more like a little brother than a nephew.. We've always shared a bond. So much of a bond that I was the one to talk to him about sex, drugs and basically everything else. We horse shit around more than enyone else. There are certain people that makes your life easier to live. He's one of them.. I would protect him with my life if it ever came down to it.. You should see this kid smile.. You have to protect him.

It must have been in march of 2004.. A bunch of us were just shooting the breeze in the basement when his mom decided to embarrass him infront of my best friend and I. We were watching Grease when she started singing along to "You're The One I Want". She dances over to him and when she was about to grab his hand to have him dance, he turns to make a run for the steps. Oh he made a run for it alright, right into the line that was hanging close by. It knocked his ass right to the floor.. We were laughing so hard.. Here he thought that his mother was going to embarrass him when the twist was of him embarrassing himself.. There is never really a dull moment when it comes to him.

He's at the point now where he blushes when he sees a pretty girl. awe. He's one of those 'model students' that teachers dream of. He dreams of playing the drums and from the list of girls he wants to marry, he's gonna have a problem. I was never a model student myself. I hardly went to school. But I did manage to keep my ass pinned to the seat in college.. YAWN!! I can't believe he's 15. Time flies I tell ya.


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