Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Stop comparing

You make the comparison between the celebrities you would love to know. Whether having them as friends or lovers. I dare not say who would be mine because many who know me, would say “duh”. Well, you make the comparison between the celebrities you would love, and the everyday janes and Joes. You’re in relationships where you would trade the regular jane and joes for the celebrity any day. What happens when you finally see that “regular Joe” as the only one? In my case it happens. I’d love this guy with every fiber of my being. I want to share everything with this guy. He’s the one I think of constantly . The thought of him clouds every thought of any celebrity. I could be walking the streets with him and come across the ultimate celebrity. In any other relationship where only 50% of me is concentrating on loving my significant other. I would have made a comparison or a trade, but not with this “regular Joe” whom I love with a whole 150%, fuck it, 200%. He became my celebrity without him being known to the outside world.

When it comes down to it. Most times, (in my case) the regular joes need not to be compared to celebrities. They are more authentic than you think. From the first time you meet, to the time when you slowly find out who the person is. I love that.


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