Sunday, July 31, 2005

Cheers !!!

Hey Friends,

I know I haven't spoken to some of you guys in forever. I'm terribly sorry for that. Once again I've been missing in action. This tends to happen so often that I've reduced myself to sending emails every other month. I have to share some part of my life sometime. Right?

I've been dyeing to hear (or Read) what everyone's been up to. Some of you I haven't heard from in eons. Give me some dirt so I can at least feel like you guys still love me. In the mean time, I will tell you guys what's been going on with me. And I'll even share some photos.

So, my friend Tim took the high road and moved to Hawaii. How awesome is that? It's been two weeks since we last spoke as he was here with the rest of the crew hanging out at Dillon's on 54th and 7th. Yesterday something came over me.. 'Should I try his cell phone to see if it still works?' Alas, it did. It rang a couple rings and then went to voice mail.. I left him this drunken message about how much I missed him and that he sucked for moving so far away. I hung up after babbling for 3 minutes. I even broke into song before I hung up. It's so strange how people waltz into your life with such gentle breezes, then leave just as easily as they came. He left an impact on me in such a short time. Those Tuesday nights at Karaoke where he and Dave would take the mic and sing 'Bust a Move' by Young Mc. He'll do his traditional 'Ice Ice baby' before the night had ended, and we'd stumble to the train station only hoping not to pass out before our stop had arrived. When you have good friends, you just don't seem to need anything else.

He returned my call only to leave me feeling envious of his new life. "I got a tan finally" he screamed into the phone. It turns out that he's in the heart of everything and often finds himself saying "Di Plane boss" as the trees sways for the breeze. He's Tim, the one who decided to upgrade by leaving old New York City behind for the rainbow filled blue skies of Hawaii. We spent a good while on the phone recapping the good ol' days of Dillon's. As we were saying our goodbyes, the drinks I had been chucking down came rushing back up. I hung up and made a B-line to the bathroom. All hail the porcelain god.

I share a house with 6 other people. One is a Playwright ( the only guy in the house). Another is a writer ( she's got some awesome stuff ) and the rest of us are Dancers and Musicians ( My sister and I are musicians. She's the lead singer of our band and I play the Bass/Guitar and write the music ).

Our times are spent either having nervous breakdowns or singing in unison. "We love our new house" we say to our guests. It's always filled with music, laughter and once in a while... Tears. We've been each others backbones so to speak. Holding each other up above water. Is it odd that we tell each other ' I love you'? I think not.

I lost my father the same day I was moving into this place which I now call 'Home'. When things seem to go smoothly, there is always that bump in the road that makes your car spin out of control. What can I do? I can either allow the car to crash, or steer myself back on the road. I took the second option and kept on trucking. My father has taught me so much in such a short period of time. He was one of those men who gave you courage when all else fails. He was a comedian to some and a performer to millions. I still get choked up when I think of him, which is everyday. I often wonder if he's looking down on me scowling the things I know I shouldn't be doing. I miss him and the relationship we had when I was younger. I looked up to him. I still do. He was my biggest cheerleader, even when we failed to speak to one another as I got older. Cheers Dad!!

I'm leaving my job in a few weeks to pursue my dreams of becoming a performer. After my dad died, the job just felt insignificant. I'm taking my dad's modified road and I'm making it mine. I'll see you guys on the inside.

Rob, Kinnie, Gio Posted by Picasa
Evie, Gio, Emily Posted by Picasa
Ti, Gio, Steve, Jen, Me, Dave, Kinnie, and some other people I don't know Posted by Picasa
OH my God!!! These girls are so hot... Emily and kinnie.. Damn Sexy Posted by Picasa
Ti, Gio and Emily.. I think ti is wasted Posted by Picasa
Kinnie and Gio Posted by Picasa
Dave and Tim singing 'Bust the Move' ... Yeah Bouy Posted by Picasa
The Crew gettin' down for Karaoke ( Tim's going away party) Posted by Picasa
Gio and Evie Posted by Picasa
GIO and Kinnie Posted by Picasa
Kinnie on the chair.. I have no clew who that girl is with the mic Posted by Picasa
Ti, Tim & Gio Posted by Picasa
It's the Fuck-a-U crew... (Tims going away party) Posted by Picasa
Emily and Brian.. Brian is up to no fucking good as always Posted by Picasa
The Love birds... Ti and Gio Posted by Picasa
We are just so nasty... Me and Ti ... Is lisa just in awesome or surprised Posted by Picasa
GIO.... You Diva you!! Hottie Posted by Picasa
Divas and Divas and Divas oh my!!! Posted by Picasa
Emily and Jimmy.. Jimmy is my Homeboy!!!!! Cool kat. Posted by Picasa
I love my sister Emily... Posted by Picasa
Emily and Farrah... THE YANKEES WON BITCHES!!!! Posted by Picasa
Gene the Machine !!!! Christian in Blue... Back of Daves Head... Coors & Budweiser was the theme of the game. Posted by Picasa
Popa Poe! P.I.M.P !!! It's Dave bitches!!! Betta rec'nize... Posted by Picasa
It's Tim and Chicken. Posted by Picasa
Tim!!!! The new and improved Hawaii native.. He's moved to hawaii to start a life that all of us envies at the moment. I miss him so much.. He's the homiedawg!!! He better come back soon. Posted by Picasa
WWW Farrah Phoenix